Friday, April 27, 2012

My Egyptian Home.. (Cortina)

When most people think of a home, they think of it being constructed out of wood or stone brick. Wood was very scare in ancient Egypt, so most homes were made of mud brick. This type of construction only lasted a few years, mainly due to corrosion and crumbling. Mud brick homes were constructed for people who were of low social status.
My home was an extravagant home on an estate in the countryside. Our home was made from stone, taken from stone quarries. Stone is much more sturdier and lasts a lot longer than mud brick. Our home had high ceilings with pillars. The walls were lavishly decorated with painted scenery, and we had beautifully tiled floors. Outdoors we had secluded gardens and courtyards with palm trees to protect us from the hot sun and provide us with some privacy. Our pool was stocked with exotic fish from the Nile river. We also had servant quarters, a stable, and a shrine room for worship.
Almost all homes constructed in Egypt during my time had a stairway that led to a flat roof. This is where many Egyptians spent a lot of their time, and it helped with the sweltering Egyptian heat. Nearly all Egyptian homes had hearths, but they were not primarily for warmth, they were used for cooking. The majority of Egyptian homes did not have much furniture, due to the lack of wood.  When we had mealtimes, the servants would bring us our food and we would sit on cushions and eat from a low table. During the evening times the servants would light lamps stands made from papyrus plants.  

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